Getting Started


You'll need just a few things to get started:

  • Node (at least version 4.0)
  • NPM (at least version 3.3, comes bundled with Node)

Starting with the rook-starter sample project

rook-starter is the easiest way to get up and running with Rook. It is a barebones application shell that has simple examples of typical web app tasks. It's also set up with the scripts you'll need for development and deploying.

  1. git clone
  2. cd rook-starter
  3. npm install

Running the development server

After NPM has finished working it's magic, you'll be able to launch your first Rook app by executing npm run dev.

This command starts up the core Hapi server on port 3000 as well as a Webpack dev server on port 3001. The former serves your application, and the latter provides hot-reload support.

You're now able to visit http://localhost:3000 and see your app. Keep this task running in the background for hot-reloading. The Hapi server does not run through Webpack, and thus will not hot-reload. Instead, it's launched through nodemon and will restart itself on file changes.

Note: There are a few rare occasions where Webpack is not able to hot-reload a module for you. These instances are logged to your browser's console. Refresh the page when you see such as a message to ensure the latest code is running.

Linting your code

Linting is important. It enforces consistent coding style catches errors before runtime. Rook strongly believes in a good linting setup and comes configured with eslint. npm run lint will check your code, but it's also a good idea to directly integrate your editor. For example, you may choose to use syntastic and eslint_d.js in a VIM environment.

Testing your code

Testing is also important. Hapi, Redux, and React all provide helpers for making testing painless. npm run test will take care of running all three types of tests for you.

Building and deploying your app

Once you're ready to show your application to the world, you'll need to build the production bundle. This is pretty easy - npm run build. Once you have your bundle ready, npm run start launches the Hapi server in production mode.

Next Steps

You've got your project set up and understand the scripts provided by Rook. It's time to understand the project structure!